TPS Achieve Three Major ISO Accreditations

Technology Powered Services (TPS) has successfully achieved three major ISO accreditations this year; the ISO 9001 Quality Management System and the ISO 45001 and 45003 relating to Occupational Health and Safety Management.
These recognised accreditations demonstrate the company’s commitment to both their customers and employees, whilst also validating TPS’s ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
The ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) is an independent, non-governmental organisation with a membership of 169 national standards bodies. Through its members, the ISO brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based market relevant standards that support innovation and provide solutions to meet today’s global challenges.
A series of management system principles, the standards set out the requirements and guidance to help organisations manage their internal policies and processes to achieve specific objectives. They are applicable across all economic sectors and cover various types and sizes of organisations across a diverse range of geographical, cultural and social conditions.
The first of TPS’s accreditations, is the popular ISO 9001 Quality Management System. A widely renowned accreditation, the standard sets out the management protocols that will enable an organisation to consistently provide the products and services that meet client needs. Gaining the accreditation allows TPS to demonstrate their commitment to enhancing customer satisfaction and ensures the company has the specific processes in place to support each stage of the client journey.
The company has also gained accreditation of the ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Management system, a robust framework that details the requirements for providing a safe and healthy workplace through the prevention of work-related injuries and ill health.
The standard places emphasis on an organisation’s responsibility for the OH&S of their employees, together with any other interested parties, who could be affected by the company’s activities. In particular, it focuses on both promoting and protecting the physical and psychological health of everyone associated with the business.
The standard aims to eliminate hazards and minimise any occupational health and safety risks, by addressing system nonconformities. This process takes into account how the business operates, together with the needs and expectations of its workers, thus allowing the opportunity to integrate additional aspects of health and safety including the wellness and wellbeing of each employee.
To highlight the company’s commitment to employee welfare, TPS has also gained accreditation of the ISO 45003. This global standard gives practical guidelines for managing psychosocial risk within an occupational health and safety management system.
Increasingly recognised as a major challenge to health, safety and wellbeing at work, psychosocial hazards look at the social factors within the working environment together with how work is organised, the working conditions, equipment used and hazard risks of the varying tasks.
Failure to address these issues can lead to a number of negative outcomes for employees. These include poor health and a variety of associated conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal problems, diabetes, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. In turn, this can also lead to a range of associated poor health behaviours ranging from unhealthy eating through to, in more severe cases, substance misuse.
Although numerous factors can determine the nature and severity of any psychosocial risk, it is recognised that these can exist within all organisations and present themselves in a variety of tasks and employment arrangements. As highlighted, their impacts can be substantial on the welfare of individual employees however it can also have a significant bearing throughout the business.
The reduction in job satisfaction and employee commitment leading to lower productivity, reduced product or service quality, absences from work, additional time spent on recruitment and training, workplace investigations, litigation etc – all of which ultimately damage an organisation’s reputation and overall profit levels. The effective management of these risks however can result in a range of positive outcomes, including improved employee engagement, enhanced productivity, increased innovation and long-term organisational sustainability.
To further demonstrate TPS’s commitment to it’s workforce, the company has also opted to join the Mental Health Charter, a social movement designed to change the way people think and act about mental health challenges. Founded in 2020, the charter sets out to raise awareness of the mental health and wellbeing challenges that employees might face.
It recognises that fear of judgement, shame and isolation make mental health challenges even harder. In light of this, the movement acts to assist those in work and community environments to make a public commitment towards delivering change and take steps towards ending mental health stigma and discrimination for good. It works with organisations to develop action plans that encourage real change, providing ongoing support, training and networking to sustain this.
As a Gold member, TPS is recognised through the charter as a mental health confident employer, joining a stellar line up of organisations that include the NHS, Holland And Barrett, Mercedes, BMW, Helping Hands, Ibis, Sytner and Coty.
These recent accreditations and voluntary charter membership demonstrate just how seriously TPS is taking its commitment to both its workforce and customers. Committed to real change and not just paying lip-service to it, the company is continually aiming to improve the long-term welfare of employees and support future organisational growth. With such great foundations in place, it is evident TPS is only going to go from strength to strength whilst also being an ethical and considerate employer to work for!
TPS (Technology Powered Services) has an industry wide reputation for delivering exceptional infrastructure, connectivity and technological solutions. The company also offers a comprehensive range of Break-Fix, Testing and Maintenance services including reactive 24/7 Engineer call-out with guaranteed response times.